There goes the Neighborhood!
The CFS Market in Svergino is closed.
The market is supposed to be a place for survivors to get some nourishment, upgrade their clothing and take a brief respite from the trials and tribulations of survival in South Zagoria, Chenarus - need what you take and take what you need and when possible, donations always welcomed!
While I was fine with people taking more than they needed and not restocking or leaving something behind, when we went to open the market recently and the walls were torn down (built to protect from snipers) and all the inventory removed, the wind got knocked out of our sails and it was realized it was time to close down.
We are currenlty scouting new locations and may re-open in a city/town near you in the future.
On behalf on the CFS Market, we thank you for your friendship, patronage and assistance!
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