Yeah indeed
Posts by Kamikazekoe96
Yes but I mean are those on vanilla servers. I now that some mods that gives more options for admins,
As far as I know looking at own private server and what I can do there without ant mods, admin access shouldn't give you that much power. Especially seeing how difficult it is to find base grieves in the logs, atleast the first one should be just very lucky what you already said. About the second point I have no idea, but that would probably more a BI problem I would say, atleast I have full trust in spaggie and his team
Come on people we need more boxers
Welcome man!
Uhm not really most faction are (temporarily) gone or has changed name and/or location
Yeah caps lock same as normal talk
Hey man welcome, yeah there are sure a lot of friendly players as groups here on the server, as for example my own faction. Also multiple places on the map with bases for and from friendly survivors, but yeah have to find them in game :p
Hey man welcome,
As of name changing, yeah If I am right that is one of the rules that has outlived his useful nice as there is not really a way to see somebody's name without typing and is allowed now I believe
I have updated now the list of people that want to join. You can both join the fight and help organize the event.
Thanks for all those that want to help, join the fight or give info about past event (Although I expected atleast some of you guys to help or join the fight
we ould use you guys as all of you are experienced players on the server
Give some credit to us second placers
Well from which event was you second hahah and I will edit it hahaha
Yeah I was not there and the only thing I remember hearing about it was that is was a slaughter there
Hey hello fellow survivors of the Village.
It has really been to long ago since we had a nice Boxing tournament on the server. So I think it is time for a new Champion! As this is still in the planning phase, the time and place is unknown at the time. As this is really a community everybody is welcome to join the fight and/or come watch. That said weapons wil NOT be allowed at the event. Depending on a few things but maybe it will be able to "store" it somewhere.
I am looking with this post for people that will want to join the boxing itself and people that want to help organize this.
Previous Champions/ event post:
First Berezino Boxing event:
TheLocalMilitia's DayZ Adventures
Champion: Mustang Cricket
Rify Boxing event:
Champion: Unknown (somebody help me
Second Berezino Boxing event:
Champion: Rock'n'Rolf
Second: Feesh
Orlovets Boxing event:
Champion: Ryan
Second: Deagles
Feel free to post links/champions that i am missing so I can add them
RoyBeer (if you are oke with it you can be both)
LazyBuzzard86 (although you just said you gonna help, as your faction leader I will just demand you to help
Welcome on the server man!
yeah there are a few older factions on here, of which some are temporaly inactive., like my own faction which was previous known as CSF.
Tip to meet other friendly's try using the radio but be aware not everybody is as friendly as they pretend but also this will not always be a bad thing as seen here: Meeting the band.. uhm Doctor Wazowski and Clam Chowder. which is still one of the best interaction I got here, he Marty1
It seems that lands of cherneraus has been filled with bandits after the Civil War that broke out and plunged the world in chaos.
We are the former Chernerus Safe Forces and we will be back with a new mission. To help the people and especially the village, the place for everybody and everyone. We will make it our mission to protect the place and the people, so that this beautiful place can shine ones again, by and for the people!
Bandits be aware we are The Guardians of Chernerus
Hmm it isn't that I haven't announced it yet and still a bit working things out but otherwise I would love to help you.
Toooom your clantag is kinda confusion looking to mine hahaha
We were CSF he 😜
Welcome man
Yeah for just the little bit of experience it seems like Vegas is the more professional one when you compare it with powerdirector atleast the version I have