Suggestion for next Altarcast?

  • > The Chernarus national anthem came over the loud speaker while we were at Altar, some survivors took a knee in protest. Discuss.

    > Friend or Foe: The wolves of Chernarus have been vindicated for years but with numbers dwindling, do they now need our protection?


    Keep up the great work and looking forward to the podcast!

  • The flaws/limitations of a truly free sandbox game. Can slight tweaks to mechanics make DayZ a more pleasant and diverse play experience? (I know everyone's consensus is no, but im not so sure). Bring back punishment and praise for certain play styles.

    Communication and its importance in DayZ, the Villages problems with it, and what DayZ can do to improve. Having the ability to whisper, and encrypted radio frequencies would make Discord and Teamspeak less necessary, and make talking in game less crippling combat wise.

    The new melee system. To me it looks less skill based than the current one (which i am bais towards, because im better at than most people) and more on flinging and hoping your arc gets a head shot.

    The new gunplay, read through the dev report and say how it effects the combat feel.

    Should DayZ adopt more fast paced gameplay, like PUBG, does the military sim foundation even suit DayZ anymore?

    Being wounded doesnt equate to a fun gameplay experience? Limping may make after combat recovery too timely and annoying that you might as well kill yourself. (i think limping to safety would be amazing aswell, but... i cant see a situation where you arnt easy pickings).

    Modding will divide and ruin the DayZ experience, no one will play vanilla DayZ when they can load into a server with 2 guns and a death match scenario... perhaps.

    DECENT TOPIC IDEA - Ideal Mod settings for your own server (i know Rene you said loot should be much less. i agree. Would be interesting to hear yours and FT's differing ideas on it).]

    Only one good one, but perhaps my train of thought can help you think of other similar but more suited questions.
